Tuesday, September 1, 2009

God alone knows the secret plan

Today was a nice day today I worked on my project. My buisness partner and I are applying for grants. There are moments I struggle with her, but most of the time I try to keep focused on the ultimate goal to complete the project. I spoke my feelings today in regards to a concept expressing it in a mature and thoughtful manner. Maturity not sure where this came from maybe it's part of the program working in my life.
In the past I might have argued over my concepts or agreed on her thoughts and argued later on. Every day I pray from knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out.
But it was a smooth day and I am grateful for the serenity I allowed myself. Learning to love and take care of myself feels uncomfortable at times but change takes time.
Willingness to show up to meetings and turn it over to HP is important for me.
I have seen real change occur in the rooms and this is so beautiful to watch and be a part of this change.
1. HP is at work all day long for all peoples
2. 12 step work is very inspiring
3. Just for today I can let in some praise for myself and my life
4. I love reading literature including recovery lit
5. Need to visit my family back in the midwest

"God alone knows the secret plan
Of the things he will do for the world
Using my hand"

1 comment:

Syd said...

It's hard working on grants. I have done that for years to fund research here at the lab. We always have spirited discussions. But I always learn from the comments of others. It sounds as if you achieved what you needed to in order to maintain your serenity. That's great.

