Foggy day today and heading to my home group at 12 noon. I enjoy this meeting lots of old timers and new comers which is a great mix. I do have times where i feel uncomfortable in meetings I have a sense of feeling left out. I don't know where these feelings come from but I have carried them all my life.
It's a Holiday and the bridge is closed we have less traffic which means less noise. I love the city.
Things in my brain seem to steer toward the less than this morning but I can turn it over to my HP. I don't have to figure it out
I will try to stay in gratitude just for today.
1. HP
2. 12 steps help guide me through life
3. The moment has serenity if I can stay in it
4. My health is good
5. my relationship is steering itself out of troubled times
"I will try to apply "Easy Does It" to every incident that might increase the tension and cause an explosion."
One Day at at time in Alanon
Easy does it is a great slogan.
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend.
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