A couple of days ago I felt I was being victimized. My friend invited me to dinner with her boyfriend. She rushed to sit near his friends as he had his back to her and was ignoring her. The new seating arrangement had her boyfriend now sitting with his back to me the whole dinner, she also ignored me as she gulped more and more red wine. I came home enraged I felt I was being victimized. In the past I may have drunk over another persons bad behavior toward me. My rage was directed at me,
I caused them to act in a certain way. But I did not cause this behavior and I can not control these people.
What can I do differently in the future to take care of myself?
I know I am not helpless I have choices. I can resist the urge to blame others and look to my own involvement instead. That is where I can make changes.
1. God has a plan and will not let me out of his sight
2. My life is a reflection of my attitude and working a program keeps my attitude at it's clearest
3. The world has suffering it is how I deal with the suffering that sets me free
4. Love trying to love my husband is difficult I am trying to find one thing to like ...his laugh is nice though
5. For my non profit and learning to give myself credit
6. My family and all their follies
I would do well to accept the challenge to look to my own recovery before I spent any more of my precious life wishing the alcoholic would change.......Living with sobriety
The behavior of others isn't under my control. Once I got that, I felt much freer. I simply can't control what others do or how they act. But I can take care of myself.
Thanks Syd your shares hit home...
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