Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Keep it simple

Today I was overwhelmed with duties so many things I had to accomplish and nothing was getting done. I eventually took out my timer which helps me get focused. I am such a task maker and want to get it all done
The program has taught me to do the footwork and all else follows, keep it simple.
Feelings of self hatred often follow me when I get into these feelings.
Why dont I I should Have I could Have My life is over.....damn I had these thoughts when I was a teenager.
If I can stay in the moment alot gets happening things fall into place.

"This day is all I have to work with, and it is all I need. If I am tempted to worry about tomorrows concerns, I will gently bring my mind back to today". Courage to Change
That I am sober and havent sabotaged myself with hangovers
God or Goddess is always watching over me
I dont have to fix anybody right now
Desert panocotta I like it better than cheesecake
Sun it feels so good on my body

"The past has flown away. The coming month and year do not exsist. Ours only is the present's tiny point" Mahmud Shabistari

1 comment:

Syd said...

I agree that when I am overwhelmed and tired, it is a bad combination. I hope that your Friday is going well.

