Sunday, June 7, 2009


Tired tonight had a great day woke up at 6a to head off to the flee market.
Didnt feel I needed any more items but wanted to meet an old friend. This friend loves flee market and so the story unfolds. She and I havent been seeing it eye to eye since I have doubled up my program. I am beginning to like myself more and due to this cant take abuse as I used to. The holidays cemented the last of what kind of a friendship I have with N. She cant be there like a friend so I have to detach and let go. Cant change cant cure it and didnt cause it...somethin like that
"When I thought about how much I had to be gratful for my fantasy showed itself to be no more than a shadow. Reality presented itself a different picture entirely"
Courage to Change
1.HP surronded me today
2. I detahced from a situation that could have been toxic today
3. The beautiful planter I purchased and fought for at the flee market
4. That the day turned out nice I gardened and loved being outside
5. Friends they bring alot to my life
6. My skin is healing from juicing and salves

1 comment:

Wait. What? said...

AH for the love of the flee market! What a great day I could make getting lost in one of those!

