Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Let Go and Let God

Oh yea what a week, full of relatives staying at my home. I do love family but one of my problems is having boundaries
with them, i merge and become one. Then the resentments begin...oh yea those pesky creatures
My nephew graduated from college and was at the top of his class he did great. I really am proud of him and wish him great success in his life. I reminded his parents way in advance they might like to have a party for their son. In the past my husband and I have picked up their slack and had many a dinner party on their behalf. N just walks in and watches me do all the work... I would get angier and angier as the evening wore on. Taking up her slack left me angry and resentful I needed to detach from the situation and Let Go and Let god take over...not me
I prepared myself with their upcoming graduation, to let them take care of themselves. The night before my husband offered to make bbq for 15 people, I backed out. I just am not willing to carry the resentment. I told N I was not going to have the bbq for their son in the most loving tone I could muster and really meant it. Everything worked out just the way it was supposed to
they ordered Thai food at 10pm and we ate chips. This is the program working in my life one day at a time.
I felt like their was real accomplishment in my life that night it felt like a miracle happened.
Grateful today
1. HP was with me all day and night
2. My sister in law can take care of herself
3. The program works in small ways
4. The program has a plan for me

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