Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Today is mothers day, I called my mother on Friday to wish her a good day.
She answered the phone, sounding happy to hear from me. I tried not to engage in her troubles too much. I practiced acceptance, and detachment as best I can.
Traveling down the freeway going 60 mph on a cell phone all these images streaming past me is like a potrait of our life. Today I wish her peace and serenity I know she has done the best with the tools in her life.
It has been a very neglected relationship between my mother and I but tonight I want to focus on the positive.
She really pushed us to go to college and for that I am grateful.
This educaction has given me the ability to look at life in a curious way,
and gave me a chance to find AA and Alanon. I turn all this life over to my HP
"I no longer have to depend on any one person or situation in order to get on with my day. Today I have choices."
"Consider the little mouse, how sagacious and animal it is which never entrusts his life to one hole only"

1 comment:

Wait. What? said...

I hope your day was well.

