Ego-centered people don't love themselves. They become ego-centered to overcompensate for the fact that they don't love themselves.
Ego does nothing for anyone else without expecting something in return. Ego-centered people are constantly striving for the next achievement or the next pay-off so they can feel self-important. The reality is that they are not "self" important.
Ego-centered people may actually dislike themselves and are very busy being ego-centered in order to hide their true feelings of self-hatred.
I read this post today and it really hit home. Still letting my crazy thinking run me for the past few days. But I dont have to attach to the feelings, I can detach these are only thoughts. My obsession was triggered today by someone in the program a friend talking to me about how good looking she is, how her relationship is so wonderful, how she doesnt have any problems anymore, it disgusted me to listen to her. I have to learn how to let go and let god take care of her. I find it really difficult to listen to her just like listening to my Mom. Not feeling like I can say anything it might hurt their feelings, betraying my inner life. It is good to just let go and let god. What does this mean to me? I would like to look at this more
Learning how to express myself and let go with love. Love.
I am trying to use my mind to figure it out, dangerous place the mind.
1.Hp has a plan for me I can let go and let god
2. Trusting in the Program
3. lauging today at life it is absurd and crazy thank god
4. shopping for family coming in a week
5. videotaping a bike carny golf course to be
6. Loving the sun it broke through in a sliver
"Once we learned to see our situation as it really was, we understood why it was neccescary for us to turn to a Power greater than ourselves"
Alanons Twelve steps and twelve traditions
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