Thursday, December 8, 2011

Each moment

Waking up early for a shoot one of the last before our lead character has her baby. She is still working seven days a week
only days before her child will be born. They have to work many hours as they are living on the edge.
We are working hard to bring her story to a one hour piece. This will be challenging and take time.
I do the footwork and turn the rest over to God.

As i get ready to leave for the early shoot old rock music plays in the background. I remember some of the songs but it was difficult times for me as a teenager. Today I have alot more serenity in my life. My parents were in the thicks of their disease.
My mothers lovers were circling waiting for the chance moments to be alone with her. I was stumbling through high school
grateful to have some good art teachers.

Just for today I count my breath from one to ten and sink into my body. When I am present for myself all else falls in place.
I have alot of tools today to help guide me. My attitude is also a part of my plan I have choices.
I can deal with situations that in the past used to baffle me.

1. Love my life through my connection with HP
2. To have health and a great medical program in my city
3. husband who tries his best
4. In each moment I have a choice to be present for myself
5. The season is on me and I am enjoying it!

1 comment:

Syd said...

The past can be haunting or I can let it go. Sometimes it comes sneaking back in. But I don't have to dwell there.

