Saturday, December 17, 2011


Incredible day at the Z Center with a dear teacher. We sat all day from 9:30-5:00P
All day watching the brain chatter. It is such a learning tool to not attach to the
lanes it wants to take me down...lots of worry talk
I try to have compassion where I am at. My teacher mentions this frequently.
My mind starts to focus on what is not working in my life. It wants to keep the old way alive. The old part of me the worried child still waiting for a catastrophe to occur at any time. Today I have tools and choices. But for most of my life I was a reactor. Being mindful is a new freedom.

The Buddha taught that to realize enlightenment, a person must develop two qualities: wisdom and compassion. Wisdom and compassion are sometimes compared to two wings that work together to enable flying, or two eyes that work together to see deeply.

I sat with my teacher on a one to one conversation. It was frightening to have someone be so present for me. He looked deeply at me it was very uncomfortable.
I can handle distraction but to bring in someone who is willing to show up
is unusual. So grateful I walked through it all and showed up for myself.

I’ve been told—but I don’t know for sure—that you’re like me. If I could speak for you, I would say that you have a deep longing for oneness, a deep urge to return to your original face before your parents were born. Reb Anderson GGulch

This quote just about sums up the day.

1 comment:

Syd said...

It sounds like powerful meditation. I am sure that I would be going back over a few things too. I enjoy being in the present and not recalling the old expectations of years past. I wish my parents were here. But they are with me in spirit. That's okay.

