Thursday, July 30, 2009

Power Greater than Ourselves

In this moment I will not react to the world I will try to the best of my ability to let go and let god.
Oh I wish this were so easy it is such a struggle for me. I spin with my head and spin and spin
My latest spin is with my business partner and what she should do for me, and of course my husband what a wreck our relationship is this summer. I try and practice my program through it all and keep the focus on learning and detaching.
This really is the key for me knowledge sets me free from the habituation of the old ways. The movie that plays in my mind.
I feel crazy with my movie, this morning I feel pretty good despite it all.

Pema Chodron: This is what Buddhists mean when they say, "Don't get caught in the content, go to the underlying hooked quality, the sticky quality, the urge, the attachment."
1. Willingness to turn it over to HP
2. Letting go of my old way and embrace me under it all
3. I Have a wonderful life with plenty
4. Yoga has helped me tremendously with my pains
"Once we learned to see our situation as it really was, we understood why it was neccescary for us to turn to a Power greater than ourselves" Alanon

1 comment:

Syd said...

I understand exactly what you write here. It has been that kind of week for me but I am grateful that today my spinning has stopped. I like the Chodron quote.

