Sunday, April 19, 2009


This weekend I went to a convention for the program. A friend had recommended I get more involved this would change my program take it to another level. I joked with her at one point sayin "she owed me big time." Some program stuff can really get
trying at times, full of all kinds of personliatues, but everything gets trying at times. Feeling like I dont fit in, no one cares, I need something from you to feel ok with me. This voice fades with time in the rooms...slowly turning it over to God
My comment offended my friend, I have heard in the rooms describe how she feels so reponsible at times for others feelings. She commented that her work in the program helped save her life it gave her plans. I related it wasnt my intention to make her feel bad, I too feel so alone at times. The more I work the program the less I have these feelings. What can I say? It works for me today...just for today
Note on Detachment
Detachment is neither kind nor unkind. It does not imply judgement or condemnation of the person or situration from which we are deatching. In ALanon we learn notheing we say or do can cause or stop someone elses drinking. We are not responsible for another persons disease or recvoery from it.

I am so grateful to have the program somewhere to go with me...The feelings of loss,
the regrets, the lost childhood, the sadness, no one to turn to, Holidays that are hell for me these can be turned over to HP
1. That I feel more and more whole with Me
2. Not expecting others to make me feel good about Me and Life
3. HP will not aboden me
4. The program works,I dont have to live in the past and worry about the future
5. Can enjoy a beautiful day
6. Can Take a nap and not feel guilty: such as I should be doing something
7. Can be in the moment for a few seconds and enjoy that second
8. That I can let go of others' opinions of me. It is not my mental business what they think.

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