Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 09

"In Al Anon we learn to be kind to ourselves and give ourselves the time we need to recover. We carry a lifetime of baggage into our meetings, and it takes time to recover from the effects of the past. We learn that alcholism truly is a disease and we didnt cause it can't cure it and cant control it."
This weekend I got a call from a friend she loves to detail her life to me especailly when she has a new lover. I find I can't stop myself from engaging her and I want to make her feel like she is important and someone cares. But I am acting in a way that doesnt work for me I feel resentment like I am being held hostage for her needs. I am not being true to myself I am acting in a way that doesnt work for me.
What can I do to take care of myself?
A. To not engage by not responding to her comments.
B I am not reponsible to make her feel better about her life
C Keep the focus on myself not on helping others and taking care of others cause I will get a resentment

More will be revealed

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