Thursday, June 3, 2010

Smoke fills the air

Noise. Woke up with the neighbors drilling and sawing repairing their home. It irritated me why so early in the morning?
I could talk with them and kindly point out that construction doesn't begin till 8:00A according to the city laws. I need to check on the laws.

But to be honest I believe this has more to do with my husbands smoking.
Each morning my husband lights up and the entire home is filled with smoke from his addiction.
In the past I have ignored his smoking, hoping it would just go away. Well it hasn't gone away it has continued.
Talk in the past has meant nothing to create a boundary. He won't go outside to smoke and has no air cleaning device in his office. Second hand smoke is very toxic to the passive smoker.

How do i take care of myself in this situation? What are my boundaries? I can call my sponsor and discuss my situation.
I have researched an air cleaner that does filter smoke. It would be in my best interest to buy this device and place it in my husbands office. He more than likely will not start the machine. There will be anger toward me for purchasing the device.
This is where I do the footwork and turn it over to HP I guess. I can make calls about this issue to Alanon members, work my program and call my sponsor. More will be revealed. I need to let go of doing it by myself.

"When I catch myself struggling with a problem today, I will let go of it long enough to reach out for help."

1. For Recovery
2. Health
3. Recovery Tool kit ready to assist me...
4. coffee in the morning
5. The ability to let go and trust
6. God has a plan for me


Anonymous said...

I too struggle with how to deal with an ongoing problem, I needed to hear the beginning of the solution. Thank you!

Syd said...

Smoking would be a difficult issue for me since I believe it to be so harmful. Sounds like a further discussion of boundaries is needed. Take care.

