Thursday, January 28, 2010

Step 4

Good meeting tonight in Alanon. I havent been to the Thursday night in a while so it was appreciated.
We read Step 4 in all it's glories is the word that comes to mind.

I have been moving the Blue Print for Progress around for a couple of months. I do believe the 98 pages has me a little
overwhelmed. It seems so little of the old me remains will it all wash away with this step? fears
The Ego holding on to who I am.
I grew up with alot of the unknowns...not sure if D was coming home wasted out of his mind or not.
Today I have my H who works in his office from morn till night fall. It does hurt me he spends so little time
just talking with me. But I cant go the poor me syndrom it does not help anyone mainly me.
What can I do to take care of D?
Show up for my life, learn to keep the focus on myself.
Oh the old ways they do come creeping in like bad nightmares.
1. HP comes day and night
2. Step 4 and the willingness
3. I like blood oranges
4. Good friends
5. Alanon makes my life so much more


Kathy M. said...

Step 4 was a powerful one for me, filled with insights. A whole journey by itself. It does seem overwhelming, at first, but every journey begins with a single step, as they say. I wish you well on yours.

Syd said...

The Blueprint book is a good one. I did a couple of "chapters" each week. It opens up a lot of things but all of it needed to see the light of day. I'm glad for this step.

