Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Step One

Step One We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
Admitting I was powerless was difficult I willed myself through my life. I was going to be a success despite my family. I grew up in a alcoholic home learning to shut down emotionally at a young age. Rescuing others meant more than taking care of myself. They would take care of me eventually as time went on I believed they would recognize my sacrifice.

Today I am able to examine some of my character defects. I may be powerless in controlling others but I have choices in how I react in situations. If my partner is raging I don't have to engage.
Taking care of myself could mean walking out of a room, getting out of a car, and maybe having to cancel engagements.

Just for today I can also remember the growth I have in Alanon. I sometimes live a serene life
full of adventure and joy.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Yes, I am so glad to know that I don't have to engage either. I can simply walk away and not have a big blow up. Life is much easier when I remember that I don't have to go to every fight that I am invited to.

