Monday, January 10, 2011

Step 2

Tonight in the meeting we discussed Step 2 Came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Slowly I am coming to believe in a power greater than myself can guide me in my life. For most of my life willpower is what kept me going. As I have aged this has hindered me feeling that the world was in my control.

I sit in meditation for twenty minutes in this meeting watching my mind jump from one subject to another. With my breath I try to release let go and let god. I am not a sky God believer but I do have faith in a spiritual power. The simple act of breath is a powerful release from my thoughts.
Staying in the moment being present and not attaching to my thoughts is freeing. I am trying to have compassion with myself not self pity. I have resistance to Buddhism at times but there are many aspects that I trust. Just for today I will let go and just walk through some of my resistance. My experience has revealed that in time my practice grows deeper slowly....

1. HP is right here in this moment
2. The program keeps me sane
3. turning it over to a HP does not mean I become a doormat
4. Oranges are incredibly delicious right now

1 comment:

Syd said...

I trust that there is a power greater than me. And that helps me every day. Thanks for this.

