Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let go and laugh

I am tired tonight a friend came from Germany to stay for a few days. We had such a nice time together. We met a few years ago in an airport in the middle east. After all these years apart we still connected on my levels. She asked how I was doing and I spoke of my difficult holidays and getting caught in the spin of trying to run from my feelings.
My feelings. I become frightened of going into the dark forest, getting lost and not being able to find my way out. Fear takes over my life it feels as if I am lost without a map. ..oh slippery slime

My friend seemed to understand my holiday madness although she doesn't work a program. I sat and listened to her describe feelings of being an outsider not fitting in. We shared our holiday stories and laughed at the end of it. It is a mystery many things I wont understand in my life.
This is where I turn it over to the unknown and let go.

Kevin Griffin mentions a Korean monk has a practice called "Don't Know." In this practice
we recognize that we really dont have answers to many of lifes basic questions. Life is full of surprises. If we try to stay alert each moment is unique. God is also a mystery, any ideas about God were just thoughts. For me often my spiritual experience is difficult to put into words.
Spirituality is a feeling, the sun on my back, a bird call that I hear in my room when all is quiet.
But spirituality for me is beyond these phrases. Tao Te Ching said "The way that can be spoken is not the true Way."

Tonight writing in my blog took some thought and reflection. I opened my books and began reading from old favorites. It feels nice to stretch into the old bookshelf.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
Lao Tse

1 comment:

Syd said...

Yes, spirituality is a feeling like the sun shining, the moon glow, the fog rolling in. So much in life is complex, and we don't know what will happen. We do our best to prepare but we really cannot prepare for the unknown except through faith.

