Sunday, November 14, 2010

taking time

Had a busy day today. We are nearing the end of a year long documentary project and heading into the next phase of development. Working the program has allowed me to see the frution of an idea that had long simmered in my unconscious become a reality. Our interview today went well
our translator is a generous caring person. She is from North Vietnam whereas our subject is from the south. They seem to both like one another, talking for hours at a time.
We had some hard questions to ask today, this could have cause friction for us.

A word of advice when working closely with some for me is,"How important is it?"
I fret over issues involving my business partner and often feeling anxiety over something she may have said or done. But once i keep my priorities straight and look at the bigger picture it gives me relief. If I look back on this event will it really matter? Are my priorities in order.

Being an Alanon member I realize one of my character defects include the ole victim role.
They are out to get me, nothing will work out and I search for material to keep this storyline alive. I try to keep a good attitude in my life. Am I becoming the person I want to be?
This takes a concentrated effort on my part to engage in this moment.
Trying to be present for myself is a gift I give to the universe. I try to make room for what really matters in my life.

For the program I feel some peace and serenity a gift of showing up and working the program
Keeping present
Taking time to look at our beatiful sunset

1 comment:

Syd said...

I like the slogan How Important Is It. I am reminded to think that whenever I make a big deal about something that is miniscule in importance.

