Sunday, March 1, 2009

Meditation can be

More will be revealed
I had a meditation retreat this weekend. It was very painful sitting in the room.
I cant seem to share in the room my needs get buried deep. I cant seem to bring them forth or I will be abondoned.
Want to people please, want to have my own identity but feel I can't they wont understand me....Geez after all these years..Wanting to be close but feeling there will be a price ...The price is I cant be my authentic self it will be destroyed.
I try to turn it over, walk through it slowly, not to abondon myself.
It feels good to be in a room with people I have a 3 month relationship with, they can't leave they have a committment just like me.
"For Example, if we have to be helpful and tuned into parental needs at all times, our own confusion, anger and helplessness, and desire for nuturance will get buried, only to resurface in intimate relationships. Too Close For Comfort by Geraldine Piorkowski

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