Sunday, March 8, 2009

Every Sunday I try to share some of my recovery work. Currently I am in a buddhist 3 month intensive recovery program.
So I try to show up the best I can it's difficult sometimes. Things have gotten better for me coming back to the program after an absence. Why did I stop going to meetings? I am not sure myself, things were getting better for me. I think my identity was and still it tied into being the sick one, the poor me and when that is lessened my ego struggles to gain it back.
One day at a time...One day one second sometimes
I am not alone this is really a miracle, Alanon. I am not alone there are others who have been given this program.
So grateful to have a place for my life the feelings I am weaving together. Leaving myself to survive my childhood as an adult I
struggled to put it all together. But it comes slowly but it comes.
Today I went to get a massage to take care of myself. It felt so empowering to drive to the appointment and yes plop my body down on the table to recieve an incredible massage. I did not feel guilty I felt good to take care of myself.
My husband did some shopping and it was Ok he can do some errands and I dont have to feel guilty, although I still manage to squeek out some self hatred.
1. For My Life lived to the fullest with alot of trail and errors
2. Program, spiritual path
3. Health
4. I have a Home that is warm and in a safe neighborhood

In Step one we learn we didn't cause the disease of alcoholism we cant control it we cant cure it. The three c's

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