Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making the most out of my life

Feeling calm despite the chaos surrounding me tonight. Recently at a meeting someone mentioned her husband went out again on opiads but was calmly sitting in a meeting 6 months pregnant. I was stunned to find her in such good condition. But this brought to my attention one area of my life could be out of kilter but other areas can be working. Keep the focus on what is working instead of what is not working.
Taking care of myself can mean going to a meeting, calling my sponsor, working the steps and turning it over to HP.
There is a plan in the universe I can turn it over.

I was very upset with my family at this same meeting feeling out of sorts and well....kind of mentally ill.
Life had let me down again one more time. I felt whatever I did it was being misunderstood.
But I remembered there is also a choice here in this moment. How am I going to rest in this place?
Being a victim letting this old storyline guide me but yet again?

Going to a meeting and making phone calls my day shifted into more manageable feelings.
This too shall pass. Life is a series of events some good some not so good but in the end it is my life.
I was given a precious life and I like to make the most of it by choosing to show up and do the best I can.

Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us, and the power to carry that out.

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