Sunday, March 18, 2012


Getting ready for the Zen Country Farm. I prepare my cup of coffee, boiled egg and the daily reading. I travel 30 minutes to a remote farm near the ocean full of organic vegetables. The zendo is still a drafty hippy structure filled with 2 incredibly beautiful statues to gaze at during the dharma talks. I listen sometimes wandering to yesterdays events but try to catch my breath to bring me into the moment. This is what recovery has given me an opportunity to examine. Despite my disappointments which grow then fade depending on how well I can work my program. I hide then reappear even in this moment as I type my mind wanders.
Learning to forgive myself and others.

Being a bridesmaid at my age is challenging. The dresses annoy the crap out of me. Loud colors, shiny synthetic fabric and bad cuts..But I love my friend this is what she wants. We had a disagreement yesterday then all was forgiven. It means going to the bank to pay for the better frock. Life has some crazy paths guess for me it's being a bridesmaid in my fifties.

Just for today I feel grateful that life gives me many opportunities to grow

1 comment:

Syd said...

I am sure that you will go through this with grace.

