Saturday, March 26, 2011


Had a wonderful evening went to see a new show at the Museum. We have Friday nights
that are open with music, lectures and a local artist. It was packed tonight premiering a Spanish designer. I love meetings but it is also important sometimes to have fun outside the rooms.

There was alot of growth for me yesterday. One of my friends? is bottoming out and she does not drink nor do drugs. I seem to draw this situation into my life. Guess I need to look at my part in the problem. W has a large storage unit and added another small unit, one has alot of antiques. Due to these costs she can not afford an apartment to live in. She wants to live free off people to pay the storage. It is sad to watch her tumble and fall right now. Yesterday she hinted for me to pay her storage fee I didn't take the bait. HP is there for her as he is for everyone. I listened as she spoke of how everyone let her down and she is having bad luck right now. I wanted to advise her and tell her what she needs to do to change her life. I held my tongue and said a couple of times is that so? I do care for her and have helped her as much as I feel comfortable. She will be ok in time I do believe this she is not an addict. It is important not to become too attached to her story and forget my life. I find myself doing this even as I write about it tonight.

After speaking with her it was time for my meeting. I entered feeling sad,disconnected to the other women in the group. Taking care of myself is still uncomfortable. I want to jump into being the old me care taking then wanting them to eventually take care of me, they can't take care of me as I need and then I will be full of resentments. The disease has a hold of my life again.

I turn my life over to HP there is a plan for it all. I don't have to figure it all out.

I like the loving kindness mediation in Buddhism. This practice begins with the meditator cultivating loving-kindness towards themself,[7] then their loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally towards all sentient beings.

HP has love for all beings
It's a mysterious world

1 comment:

Syd said...

Good to have your boundaries and stick to them.

