Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mind my own buisness

It was a cloudy day today but I enjoyed myself. My friend and I went to a garden lecture at Sunset magazine. It was really for amateurs but getting out and
looking at flowers makes me feel good. I can see why they place them in religious settings. A nurturning space has a flower nestled here or there.

I value spending time with my friend. It has been a challenge at times watching her struggle with her alcoholic boyfriend. She watches his every move, making sure he doesn't drink too much. With her helicopter surveillance her own personal hygiene has just gone haywire. It saddens me and at times I mention the program to her.
She listens but hasn't acted much toward her own recovery. This is where I detach, she has her HP. I need to mind my own business. Let Go and Let God. When I am concentrating too much on others peoples lives I might be avoiding looking closer at mine.

12 stepping still working on Step 4
Love my garden hope my Russian tomatoes work near the ocean
My in law is getting old I really have to see her soon
today was a good day


Syd said...

It is amazing what we give up in ourselves to focus on others. I've worked on that for years. And now I know there is a better way.

Kathy M. said...

I love this post. So true. Thanks.

