Sunday, November 8, 2009

Step 11

I was asked to share today and kept it simple concentrating on Step 11. A friend from the meditation center asked me to share at his meeting, and planned it weeks in advance. Unforutnatley he ended up in the hospital with some seveere stomach problems, he is living with HIV and 2 liver transplants. I felt so glad to be able to show up for the group and to follow through with my promise for him. In the past I have felt at times I couldnt show up, there was always some problem making showing up so difficult. Turning my will and my life over the to the care of God, and realizing everyone has a HP has given me great comfort. Life is more than mere survival. I cant even imagine my life could be as good as it is today. Near the end of the day I visited my meditation buddy in the hospital and found him in pretty good spirits. Today I was able to cultivate my spiritual connection by doing the footwork all else followed.
1. HP has a plan for us all
2. showing up for myself despite my reservation on sharing
3. The day was beautiful and sunny
4. My life is full
5. Kept it simple
"Half an hour meditaion is esential except when you are very busy. Then a full hour is needed."
Francis de Sales

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