Sunday, November 15, 2009


I was very inspired tonight reading a blog. The more recovery that I am able to accomplish in the program the more I experience love and forgive myself and find compassion and acceptance toward others. The work I do changes myself and the world around me in small ways and in global arenas as well. This peaceful feeling to me is very revolutionary toward shifting my world view. I felt this sense of serenity for seconds recently I was sitting meditation and had a flood of feelings that were warm and loving.
I didn't want it to end but it did and the twirling of anxiety in my mind began again.
The more I can encounter these moments the better able I can collect these and realize what the experience felt like for me.
This is a gift of the program which I am forever grateful. Really I had no idea my life could be this good despite my sad times.
"I am learning to treat myself as if I am valuable. I find that when I practice long enough, I begin to believe it."
Hp has a plan for me
12 steps and working them
turning it over
nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass
life is in constant change

1 comment:

Syd said...

This program is really a gift as you stated. God in my life is a gift as well.

