Sunday, December 2, 2012

Not working for me

Having compassion for myself. This simple act is difficult for me I want to be perfect.
Letting go of who I think I should be and acceptance of who I am.
Of course following an old storyline is exhausting and who wrote the script.
Tonight in mediation the talk was on many things but the focus was on sitting with yourself.
In the end trying to sit with all my feelings and not attach is freeing.
It takes time there is a restless quality to my mediation especially in the beginning.
Sitting though teaches me patience and focus. These two quality's can take anyone deeper into knowing our authentic self.

Thinking of letting my sponsor go, she is continually one hour late.
Every get together is frustrating I dont think it should be like that.
I left the meeting place last time we were to meet due to her extreme tardiness. I think it would be best
to find someone else to hold me in Alanon.
It just is not working for me.
She is not a bad person but her tardiness is troubling.

1 comment:

Syd said...

I hope that you do find a sponsor who will be there for you in Al-Anon. I really miss my first sponsor who moved to the West coast. We still talk and email, but he has physical problems now. I like my local sponsor a lot and we get together to chat.

