Saturday, August 4, 2012

take what you like and leave the rest

Tired tonight sitting in bed reading blogs feels comforting. Big day today reorganizing my office. I hired someone from Alanon to help clean and organize. She arrived on time, really did a great job!
The one problem is she talked constantly all day long without stopping. I dont think she listened to one response all day. But I kept her moving through the day and she went to great lengths to help me.
It's just that non stop chatter is exhausting I feel life is being sucked out of me.

Despite what wasnt working today I walk into my office and it shines. I mean literally it is spotless.
I set an intention  which worked for me today. Take what I like and leave the rest.

It was nice having help learning to accept others flaws and gifts are ways I can better love myself in all my imperfections.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Constant talk is something that I dislike. I tend to be overly quiet unless there is a lively discussion and then I can partake. I definitely need solitude. I'm glad for the clean office though!

