Today was covered in fog I woke up to a sore throat. Yesterday around 4:00 pm I decided to walk to a restaurant which is quite a hike 3 miles away...I stopped at a Korean hot pepper shop. The store was covered in hot sauces from around the planet. Walking always renews my interest in my neighborhood.
There are many treasures that lie hidden away from car vision.
Multitudes of fresh Chinese groceries line the street as I continued I bought some fresh lychees.
I love the inner white juicy fruit surrounded by the red shell.
More stores and then bang a sore throat. The dinner went well but I could feel there was a cold brewing inside.
So today I scheduled an acupuncture treatment to boost my immune. At the end of the session I downed my Chinese herbs with a glass of water. Next stop at the co-op for zinc lozenges and sprays for the throat.
It's nice to take care of myself and not ignore the symptoms. In the past I often would ignore the symptoms thinking that it would just fade away. But the fact is it didn't just disappear it usually got worse.
Where did I come up with this self care?
I find it interesting that my sore throat comes with the arrival of my husbands niece. She is scheduled to have surgery this week and is staying with us for her care. I sympathize with her situation.
Learning to care for others and to care for myself is challenging. I was taught to sacrifice it all for the good of my mother. This has led to brewing some serious resentments.
So today I have a sore throat learning to take care of D. I also can care for N but not in an obsessive manner...
Learn to give from my overflow rather that from my reserve. This is self care, we learn to let go of burdens we were never meant to carry. Learn to ask, “What is the best thing for me?”
We're learning to take care of ourselves, instead of obsessively focusing on another person. We're learning self-responsibility, instead of feeling excessively responsible for others. Self-care also means tending to our true responsibilities to others; we do this better when we're not feeling overly responsible.
I love that "learn to give from my overflow and not my reserve." Thanks for this.
Yes, I like that you recognize that you don't need to get too wound up in caring for others. Helping is good but not at the expense of depleting yourself.
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