Sunday, May 20, 2012

Less is more

Busy day filled a long walk along the ocean, bush chopping, fabric shopping, meeting with friends and ended with the viewing of the eclipse. It was lovely to watch the eclipse on a piece of paper from a pinhole view.
Our neighbor came out to walk his fathers dogs and stayed with us a while to watch the view. We noticed our shadows had double edges the light was a brilliant white.  Being present with moments allows me to pay attention to alot of details that in the past I ran from. I was always busy, running to complete a task, wanting things my has shifted

The Buddhist retreat from yesterday brought some serenity. I woke in the morning reflecting on the best way to spend my day, a friend mentioned the retreat. It was obviou,s how better to take care of myself than sit with my feelings. Running from them is not helping me grow and deepen my emotional nature.

We practiced our meditation by sitting and walking at the Zen Farm. Being quite in a room full of people is comforting, this act is not our usual conditioning. I felt rage again toward my mother. Really need to work with this hinderance I have with our relationship. We explored the 5 hindrances in Zen Buddhism.

Known as the five hindrances, they are forces in the mind that can hinder our ability to see clearly or to deeply concentrate. The hindrances are: 1) sensual desire, 2) ill will, 3) sloth and torpor, 4) anxiousness and worry, and 5) doubt. 

The hindrances operate in everyone; their presence is not a personal failing. Rather, it is useful see their occurrence as an important opportunity to investigate them. Sometimes it is wise not to quickly attempt to get rid of a hindrance but to use it as a chance to learn something. The stronger the hindrance, the more important it is to investigate it. 

I was given Anger to explore. We each commented on our feelings. A woman in the group began to annoy me to an incredibly great degree. Her personal concern felt unauthentic and forced. I felt myself wanting to teach her a lesson regarding her behavior. This action is what I also do with my mother. I try to force her to look at her poor behavior. More is revealed I hope to lessen this action I have with others.


With Metta: 
May all beings be safe. May all beings be healthy.
May all beings be happy. May all beings live with ease.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Learning to let other people be who they are without my interference has taken a lot of practice. It still doesn't come easily. But I have to remember that they have their own path and I am not in charge of their lives.

