Friday, February 24, 2012

Scrubbed out of this hour

Sat in a beautiful meeting tonight. The talk was on the 12th step giving it away to keep it. Not expecting a return besides keeping my program alive. Compassion for those still suffering.

My relationship with my partner has taken a turn for the better. I try my best to love him for who he is rather than wanting him to be someone else. If only he could be and then I will reside in disappointment and resentment. This old way does not take me any further into caring for myself or him.

It reminds me of my relationship with my family at times. My one brother who I understood has slipped on prescription drugs after many years clean and sober. I only hope one day he will again get back into AA. Only hope that I can love him today for where he is at also. This is one area that I like to look at more to grow from and practice love toward.

Meeting with my sponsee tomorrow at 11 the Hostel near the ocean. She is struggling with step three. We will sip coffee and I will listen. A beautiful garden sits near the hostel we usually walk through the rows of plants, trees, and greenhouses.
Lemons are ripening and the fragrance of Myer lemons fills the air.

Time for sleep.

1 comment:

Syd said...

It sounds like a good day. Acceptance is the answer to so much of what was wrong in my life. I was fighting myself and others because I knew what was best for them. Imagine that!

