Thursday, January 12, 2012


Nice walk along the ocean again tonight. We have sunny days here almost swimsuit weather. The sunsets linger spreading orange across the sky. Walked right near the edge where the water and beach meet. Felt at peace with myself. Trying to focus on what is working in my life.

Came home to get ready for a storytelling event. Got dressed plopped in my car drove downtown to be told it was sold out. Oh well there is always plenty of things to do here at night. I drove to a new non profit cafe, ate a lovely pear and blueberry galette. An old time bluegrass band played in the corner. Things just worked out well tonight.

I have picked up "The Joy of Living." The author Rinpoche Yonguey has done extensive research on happiness. Transforming obstacles into of it's side lines. There is often a gap between thoughts, that gap is the experience of the complete openness of natural mind. It's all material for supporting out meditation.

Feeling at ease
nice feeling

1 comment:

Syd said...

Sounds good to go with the flow. If one thing fall through, another become available.

