Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A New Freedom

Feeling content tonight. I meditated yesterday so my mind feels more at ease. When I make recovery my priority only good can flow from the effort. My life is steady with a few bumps but nothing like in the past. We will get to know a new freedom has come true for me.

The Holidays still are hard for me but I make plans and try to make phone calls. When I feel the old part start to chime in I hear it but I try not to engage with the victim. I do feel empathy toward myself but not self pity. This old role self pity causes alot of grief for me in many ways.
It was a role my mother and grandmother had down they could have gone to the stage. But I understand they were also a product of their times. Women did not have many choices in the past. Just for today I can be thankful and give credit to serenity in my life.

The unpleasent things people say or do have no power to destroy my peace of mind or ruin my day unless I permit it. There is much to appreciate in this life.

1 comment:

Syd said...

I too am thankful for serenity in my life. I am grateful for so much.

