Sunday, October 20, 2013


Came home from a wonderful Dharma talk regarding insight meditation in prisons. I was emotionally touched and wanted to bolt but I stuck with the talk. In my youth my father would bring home ex convicts to live with us. I would hear there stories of growing up poor, violence and comments of wouldn't I like to write a book about their lives? One particular man still is a big part of my memory M. He was  a very confused man a raging alcoholic but also kind and loving. I wonder how he could have benefited from a program like the Insight Prison Project. Loving Kindness goes out to M and my father who was always trying to save others at the expense of his serenity.

He is the Founding Director of the Insight Prison Project (IPP), a non-profit that since 1998 pioneers innovative in-prison rehabilitation programs and serves as a catalyst for state-wide prison reform in California. IPP teaches 18 weekly classes in San Quentin, offers trainings and is a consultant for the US State Department on rehabilitation issues. Currently, Jacques is leading a new initiative called 'Insight Out' wherein former prisoners trained by IPP act as Change Agents in the community, working with youth in Richmond and Oakland to prevent violence and incarceration.

May all beings be happy may they live in peace and harmony

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