Saturday, October 12, 2013


My relatives are here and it has caused a great upset in our family. I am trying to work my program and turn it over but not be a door mat.
My Y does not speak up for himself but maybe it's good he doesn't buy into their problem.
But I do believe that at times when you are being verbally abused to walk away to take care of yourself.
We are not seeing them. It makes me sad that we don't get along and I am angry at them for their rude constant behavior. What do I do to take care of myself? Go to meetings, call my sponsor, nurture myself.
Set a boundary. I will not sit and listen to my BIL when he begins his rude comments. If he begins I will leave the room or go home.
I am grateful for my recovery tonight I can still sit with some serenity despite being very upset with BIL.

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