Sunday, August 11, 2013


This week was a bad carnival ride. It was just one thing after another. Fortunate for me I am able to reach out to my sponsor, go to meetings, read and work the program. My sponsor is wise woman and I admire her determination and wisdom regarding her recovery.
During my worst times she has been there anchoring me into the program. It has been life changing having the program there for me when I am at my worst and my best.
HP will always be there for me. Trusting that HP will guide me in the most difficult situations.
Needing a Holiday. I might grab my tent and head for the mountain springs.
It's relaxing soaking in hot water and then jumping into a cold spring.
Wakes you up into the moment that is for sure.

Lady Day

for Billie Holiday
Lady could pour you a song,
Coffee and a little cream.
Stir it the whole night long
Into a brown-sugar dream.

Lady could wrap you a note
Up in a velvet night
Sometimes Manhattan satin,
Always Harlem delight.

Lady Day could sing it
Like nobody ever has
At the Shim Sham Club, Hot Cha Cha,
Joints that swung on jazz.

Her bittersweet songs told Heartbreak,
Meet your sister Pain,
But Lady melted yesterdays
Into beautiful rain.

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