Monday, October 1, 2012


Critical mass. I used to support this movement but this last ride was an attack on me personally that left me almost in tears. As I was crossing one part of the city a bike blocked my path which caused me to be frozen.
The group then surrounded my car screaming and pounding on my vehicle. One particular fella decided to attack me personally with horrible words. At first I got angry and shouted back but then I noticed it fed the crowd. They felt justified to rage against me, a driver.
I was able to step back and breathe thinking of what I could do to take care of myself in this situation. Taking photos of the group was my next move, and then smiling as I did this and remaining calm. They tried the old technique but realized I was not going to react and they then left for the next victim.
It was a horrible experience but I learned a valuable tool of not reacting despite what was happening.
My reaction was also a part of the experience and I could remove myself from their rage.
Tonight I will try to do Metta practice around this person who threw cruel words toward me.
This does not mean I wont follow through with turning this one man into the police. I am not sure what actions I will take next but not turning him in could do him harm also.

1. Spiritual practice
2. Ability to take care of myself in all situations
3. I dont have to do it alone
4. HP has a plan
5. Warm days near the ocean

1 comment:

Syd said...

Good grief--what a terrible experience. I have been a cyclist in the past but have not heard of reverse road rage against cars. Good that you got the photo. Also, call 911 if you get in this situation ever again. I have the local police on speed dial here. It's hard not to take something like this personally but hope that you won't. Crazy angry people are sick.

