Monday, July 2, 2012

Turning it over

Woke up feeling very negative this morning. Nothing was lifting my spirits till I went to acupuncture then things started to shift. I was feeling out of sorts with D and trying to run from myself. This has not worked in the past nor will it more than likely work in the future. 

Despite myself I made efforts by having coffee with another alcoholic. I inquired about her husbands liver transplant. She then mentioned her feelings of "no one showing up" to encourage her these past days.
Self pity I guess you might call it runs ran pent with the disease. My mind will go to who is not calling me, how they hurt me, what I did for them and they in turn hurt me. My addiction wants food to keep it alive...

One day at a time
Practicing gratitude toward what works in my life
Doing service for other newcomers
Turning it over to HP

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