Monday, April 23, 2012

Woke up early to the cooing of a turtle dove. I find myself spinning these days and digging into my program for relief. Yesterday drove to an out of town meeting.

I feel very less than and want others to fix me. For this to happen I must sacrifice to fix them first then I wait for the pay back. The end result never happens like it should for me part of the disease of Alanon.
Detaching and letting god take over the reins of the chariot. The program will be there even when I cant be there for myself.
Words like these make me feel better more whole less needy. I don't have to fix the world and feel so unept at it. Everyone has a HP and I am not God.

Loving myself and learning to accept with all my flaws.

1 comment:

Syd said...

Yes, I too am feeling less than and not good enough today. But tomorrow is a chance to see things differently. I have the ability to see that what I feel today won't have the same flavor tomorrow.

