Monday, October 31, 2011


Tonight I sat with myself in meditation. It felt nice to be present for myself before jumping into a trick or treat session with my three year old nephew. This is his first year in the United States. He is a cute boy I turn over alot to HP worrying about him.
Keep the focus on myself and not what they need to do for him.
He had alot of fun tonight dressed as a pirate, superman, spyderman.

Earlier I also listened to a Zen lecture regarding a Sejiki ceremony.
It has been a nice holiday thanks to the program I can sit more with my feelings.
Sejiki is a traditional Japanese Zen Buddhist ceremony for the spirits of departed ones. This powerful ceremony summons forth all restless spirits and pacifies agitation and violence within and without. It includes a reading of the names of close friends and family members who have died.

1 comment:

Syd said...

The ceremony sounds wonderful. Getting through agitation is something that takes a lot of prayer and detachment for me. I think that the restless spirits visit me in dreams.

