Sunday, April 3, 2011


Everyday I am learning more about life. I am grateful for the willingness my HP gives me to learn more about who I am. My relationship with me is challenging but i ask for guidance to love who I am. It is hard to accept where I am at and to sit with the uncomfortable parts of me.
But at this moment I feel acceptance.

Lately in meditation I have been examining my self hatred. This has permeated my life since I was a young girl. I didnt have to the power to make the family feel better therefore I was a failure. This world view follows me even today. I watch my mind awaken with negative self talk. It's embarrassing for me to mention it is very painful. For the past two days I had relief from this recording I was relieved. Practicing my program around this defect gives me relief.

Learning to take care of me without focusing on someone else's problem is recovery in action.
I am responsible for myself. Positive self care means learning to care for D to keep the focus off others. I am not God.

1. HP is a loving presence
2. 12 steps guide me through the labyrinth

1 comment:

Syd said...

Learning to love who I am has been powerful.

