Monday, October 5, 2009

Slave to Desires

It was a great meeting tonight although I get something out of every meeting. They talked about desires tonight.
You can be free from desire. When you desire or crave something and act on it, you become a slave to that desire. To become free from this desire requires nothing extra, it actually requires less. You only have to realize that desire don’t require action. When you understand this, and desire arises, you will see desire in you. You will begin to experience the sensation of desire in your body; watch it rise up in you, peak, and then pass away. Don’t get angry with yourself for having desires, they’re here now, just watch it pass by.
This is what we talked about tonight in group. To watch the mind. This I try to do in my life with the program. I had alot of thought today about the upcoming Holidays...uhm yes do i dare bring up the subject. This is when I began blogging last Christmass 08. This year I would like to make some plans to have a nicer Holiday.
Guess something good arose out of this sadness I faced. How can I take care of myself?
Do the footwork, service, 12 steps, meetings
1. HP and the plan of life he she has for everyone
2. 12 steppin my life
3. Feeling like music is a meditation loved bluegrass this weekend
4. speaking up for myself in a loving way to my friend F
5. Being able to look at my H with love
"Change your thoughts and you change your world" Norman V Peale

1 comment:

Syd said...

I am glad that you posted about desires and letting them pass. What a great thought that I need to keep in mind.

