Friday, June 29, 2012

Showing Up

The jury is finished tonight we watched over 200 films in a month.Whoa took alot out of me this year
some difficult situations and having them in my home to deal with. Despite the problems it was an incredible trip to take with the filmmakers and their vision.

I got the opportunity to practice my program by not engaging negatively with one of my jury. I tried to retain my integrity through it all. Dont know how I accomplished so much in the past without my program.
Grateful to be able to show up in my life in a positive manner...despite the downfalls.

  1. Right after I open my eyes, and before getting out of bed in the morning, I state my intention to be mindful for the day. I appreciate my intention.
  2. Right after I turn off the light at night, I do 30 seconds of loving kindness practice, wishing myself and other beings well. I appreciate myself for remembering to practice.

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