Sunday, June 19, 2011

Care taking

Tired tonight trying to rest today. It was a busy day finishing up compiling round one of documentary films for a festival. There is an elderly woman from Alanon that I invited into the jury. She is not showing up in a way that is needed for the festival. We were to submit our final decisions today and she didn't have her list completed, the other members had to wait around as she scrambled to get it together. I felt like her mother.
She decided to go out and listen to Jazz last night instead of complete her submissions.
I have to step out of my expectations. I had to guide her through her list making. Was I care taking her? In some ways .... I have been gently guiding her through the process this being her first time to jury films. She is a literary agent and very clever for her 77 years but lacks a cinematic language.
Maybe I expect too much from her? This is where I work my program. Step back from her problem and look at my part in this episode.
One step at a time
Trust there is a HP who takes care of us all

1 comment:

Syd said...

I can feel my impatience rising as I read about the woman who didn't have her submissions ready. I guess that I still have expectations that people will step up if they say they will. Lowering expectations now....

