Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Plan

Today I am here in this life, present and ready for the day to unfold. I feel lucky working for myself out of my home. It does have challenges, fears I cant complete my jobs. But I reach out to those in my field and go to meetings and make program calls. The program has taught me I can't do it alone, no one is really doing it alone. We are social beings and learning to love and care for myself has moved me to love and help others. The important message for me is to let go also of what the outcome should look like. Attachments letting go---detaching with love
More is revealed and more will be revealed if I can have an open mind and the ability to be present.
Looking into my blog there are many I's...guess it's a diary for me really anonymously.
When I first started writing there was alot of pain in my life, it has opened up and moved out into
a broader deeper vision. This too shall pass about sums up pain for me today. Doing the footwork and trusting HP has a plan for me and everyone else in the universe.

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